
SEO = Policy for website


SEO Strategy That Increases Visibility of Website 2024 to 2025

Thailand 3 days 2 Person

What is SEO in Digital Marketing?

SEO is the abbreviation of Search Engine Optimization. SEO is the process of optimizing technical Setup, content relevance and link popularity. The benefit of this practice is making your website more findable, more relevant and popular in response to user search queries. Which ultimately leads towards higher research engine rankings.

Indonesia 3 days 2 Person

What are the Basics of SEO for better Content Publications?

The Basics of SEO for Better content publication is related to using relevant keywords. Using of right titles which contains the target keywords and meta description which can give a summarized view of whole article. Furthermore, you should keep your main headings as H1, H2, and H3 respectively to maintain a proper order and understanding of content. Because through these parameters your content publication will be more SEO optimized and organized.

Malaysia 3 days 2 Person

WHY SEO is Important for Google Indexing?

Search Engine Optimization is extremely important for search engine rankings because google does works on set sophisticated algorithms. Through a particular algorithm google make a survey of websites and deliver the relevant results for search query. The algorithm chooses the best websites that can fit within the set parameters and matches with user’s search intent and requirements. To match the set pattern and algorithm of google SEO metrics and parameters are followed. This is why SEO is important for making sure that google do not reject the content published on our website.


Why SEO Focuses of Google?

There is no doubt in the fact that google is holding more than 80% of total search engine market share in the world. That is why all Search Engine Researches and Optimizations are focused and designed to meet the criteria of google algorithms. If our content will not match with google metrics then our SEO efforts will go for the remaining 20% share of the global market which means we are wasting our time and energies. For gaining maximum number of audience and chances to rank at top SEO focuses on policies and metrics of google.
What are demands of Google from Websites?

This is the most important question and for any blogger to understand that what are actual demands of google. For this it should be noted that google prioritize to deliver the most relevant and important results to its users. Google want to deliver fastest results with more and more authentic information to its users. Google examines each and everything parameter of your website like website loading, amount of information, quality of information along with intent so its user and reader can get the right information from the comfort of their homes. Which increases the trust and authenticity of google so it can maintain its dominance over the global research market.

How Google Earns Money from Website?

To get complete command over SEO and its relation with Google. One needs to understand How does google earns money from websites. So the answer to this debate is that google makes profit from PPC ads which is also known as Pay-per-clicks. Pay per clicks are displayed at the top of the search result pages. Advertisers pay for clicks on these ads, which contribute to the company advertising revenue and profit. As the number of clicks increases the profit margin of google increases respectively.

Google Paid Ads Vs Organic Traffic

There are two types of Search Engine Results pages (SERPs). One type is paid and other is organic. Google ads generate paid traffic like charges heavy amount of money from advertisers to advertise their content and then earn profit margins from the clicks on these ads. However organic traffic is free of cost which is gained on the basis of quality and relevance of website.

SEO Market Working Style

In all this phenomenon, SEO market works to make sure that users websites either they are independent blog or selling some products, should be parallel with google policy and guidelines. The aim of SEO market is to improve every website organic traffic and search rankings in google results. A good SEO practice ensures organic traffic because organic traffic is something which remains with website for longer period of time. Organic traffic is highly valuable for a website. On the other hand paid ads may give sudden boost to website traffic but it may push down organic listings. Also organic traffic clicks are free as compared to paid ads.

Role of Keywords in SEO

Role of Keywords in SEO is very important. Whole SEO works around the keywords and their research. Relevant keywords means more relevant audience the desired results and irrelevant keywords led to irrelevant audience with waste of time and energy. There is a complete science of keyword research which every SEO professional needs to understand like from long tail keywords to short tail keywords with their intent and difficulty.

SEO Friendly keywords

Keyword intent can be informational, commercial, navigational and transactional depending upon its function and role. Keyword like “How to” and “Step by Step guide” is considered as informational because it is providing information for particular phenomenon similarly keywords for purchasing and selling are considered as transactional and commercial keywords. For efficient SEO it is important to know the advanced methods of keyword research. There are multiple methods of keyword research like from following google trends to advanced keyword research methods which includes usage of paid tools like SEMrush. These paid tools are very helpful in finding new and unique keywords with low competition and more volume. Which gives your website an open opportunity to rank at the top of the lists.