
No. #1 Spot for Your Website

Securing No.1 Spot for Your Website

Securing No.1 Spot for your website is the prime concern of every professional. But this objective is not very easy as it requires a set of rules and steps to approach a unique SEO strategy. There is a long list of steps and techniques which helps a website to secure its spot at No.1. Ranging from content quality, quantity relevance, keywords research, link building, with some off-page SEO techniques as well. But in this article we will give some unique tips which you have not observed and noticed before. Before going into details of advanced SEO techniques lets start from crawling accessibility. So in this article we will start from crawling accessibility of your website then we will move toward next steps.

Crawling Accessibility: Ensure that Search Engines are Reading Your Website

Crawling Accessibility is so much important for securing No.1 position of your website. Because search engines like google can access, understand, and index your website content. It is the first and most important parameter because without proper crawl accessibility google will not be able to reach to your website. This can give serious negative impact on website. Search Engine Bots: are the key robots which read your website from page to page. These bots then index the content they find on website.

Bots Accessibility - is very important. If bots will not access to certain parts of your website then it will hamper the visibility of website.

Robot.txt File - Benefit of these crawlers is that they find robot.txt file which cannot be accessed.

Sitemap XML - Crawler set a road map to your website through XML sitemap. This ensure all relevant content is discovered and indexed.

Site audit - Crawler accessibility is very important because it is key contributor is doing complete audit of a website. A Comprehensive site map with robot.txt file and broken links everything comes from crawling accessibility that is why it is very important.

Compelling Content that Answers the Search Queries

For securing no.1 position in google results it is necessary that your website has compelling content that can answer the search queries. Because it is Google’s latest policy that it will only rank those sites which provides best content. For creating compelling content, it is necessary to have,

Informational content - Make sure that your content is informational. User can find answer to their questions.

Navigational Content - provide the right navigational content for specific pages and websites.

Transactional Content - Provide transactional keywords and their details if your website related to selling and purchasing.

Commercial Content - providing commercial rich content for selling your products and services.

All these types of content are important in creating compelling content. That can answer the searcher’s query.

Optimized Keywords to attract Searchers and Search Engines

Keyword Optimization is very useful in keeping your website at No.1 of google search pages. This step involves choosing right keywords and then strategically using them to help website in ranking higher. For optimal performance of website and keyword optimization it is necessary,

Long Tail Keywords - are longer with more specific approach. These keywords has lower search volumes but attract more targeted traffic.

Title Tag - Important along with selection of keywords. Placement is very important and helps to understand crawler to read your content.

Meta Description - Attract the users towards your website by using right keywords.

Heading - Use keywords in Headings H1,H2 and H3 it helps search engines and users to scan their website content.

URL Slug - For better keyword optimization keep the URL slug short , clear and optimized.

First 100 words - First 100 words are very important for article and use keywords in these 100 words for optimization.

Alt Text - Use target keywords in Image Alt content. This visibility and relevance and helps to secure No.1 position in google results.

Increase User Experience with Fast Loading Speed and Compelling UX

Since user are the prime clients of every website. That is why increasing user experience is very important. For this you need to work on,

Fast Load Speed - Fast loading speed is the foundation of better user experience. Because do not like any delay in site loading. For this optimize your site page, optimize images, use date cache, upload compressed images and ensure good hosting. You can also use tools like Google Page Speed insights or GTmetrix to identify these factors.

Compelling UX Design

UX design is about the website design and appearance. For this your need to focus on,

Clear Navigations - Site navigation should be easy. Headings themes should be attractive.

Layouts and Fonts - keep your site layout and fonts unique. The color scheme also falls in this category.

Compatibility - The website should be compatible with all devices like Laptop, mobile and tablet.

Share Worthy Content that can generate links citation and amplifications

Try to create your content so much worthy that it can automatically generate. A worthful content can automatically earns links, citations and amplifications. This is possible if you will focus on original research, high quality visuals, problem solving techniques and following the right trends. Through this your content will automatically attract attention of users and will bring links on google and social media as well. These factors are the proofs that your website is not only getting target audience but also earn credibility and recognition across your respective industry.

Title, URL and Description to Generate High CTR in Rankings

Title, URL and Descriptions are important elements in securing No.1 position of website.

Create Engaging Title - For this create a engaging title . Title should be clear and concise. Title should contain 50-60 letters. It must have primary keywords.

URL Optimization - URL should be short and descriptive.URL must have target keyword in it. There should not be unnecessary words and digits and characters in it.

Meta Description - Meta Description should not be longer than 160 characters. It is good to use call to action CTA keywords. Adress user intent in meta description so it creates a sense that your content is solving user’s questions.

Generate CTR - For generating CTR it is recommended to create urgency like “limited time offer” and “don’t miss out”. Make sure that your website is circulating on social media and mobiles so it can generate more clicks.

Schema Markup to rank at top in SERPs - Right Schema is important in ranking at the top of the google results. For this choose the right schema type which suites the most to your site.

Enter the right Schema code into HTML of your webpage. This can be done both manually and through plugins as well.

Check the optimal working of your schema markup through Google Rich Result Test.

Always Use Schema Markup that is relevant to your page content.