How to Get Google Domain Authorization Code from Squarespace
How to Get Google Domain Authorization Code from Squarespace

What is Google Domain Authorization Code?

The Google Domain Authorization Code, also known as the EPP code or transfer code, is a critical component when transferring your domain from one registrar to another. It serves as a security measure to ensure that only the domain owner can initiate a transfer. This code is typically requested when you want to move your domain from platforms like Squarespace to Google Domains or vice versa.

How to Get Google Domain Authorization Code from Squarespace

1. Log into Your Squarespace Account

Start by visiting the Squarespace website and logging into your account with your credentials.

2. Navigate to the Settings

After logging in, find your website dashboard. On the left-hand menu, click on Settings.

3. Access the Domains Section

Within the Settings, scroll down to locate Domains. Click on it to manage all domains associated with your Squarespace account.

4. Select the Domain to Transfer

From the list of domains, choose the domain you registered through Google or any other registrar that you’d like to transfer away from Squarespace.

5. Unlock the Domain

Before you can get the authorization code, you need to unlock the domain. Click on the Lock toggle to unlock it. This action will allow you to transfer the domain.

6. Request the Authorization Code

Once the domain is unlocked, a new option to request the authorization code will appear. Look for the Get Authorization Code or Transfer option, and select it.

7. Copy the Authorization Code

Squarespace will generate the authorization code for your domain. Copy the code as you’ll need to enter it in the Google Domains transfer process.

8. Complete the Transfer in Google Domains

Now that you have your authorization code, head over to your Google Domains account and start the transfer process by entering the code when prompted.
By following these steps, you’ll be able to seamlessly retrieve your Google domain authorization code from Squarespace, allowing you to transfer it to your preferred registrar.

Features of Google Domain Authorization Code

The Google Domain Authorization Code, often referred to as an EPP code or transfer key, plays a crucial role in domain transfers between registrars. Here are the key features that define its importance and functionality:

1. Unique and Secure

  • The code is unique to each domain and ensures that only the rightful domain owner can authorize a transfer. It acts as a security key, protecting against unauthorized transfers.

2. Mandatory for Domain Transfers

  • The authorization code is a required element for transferring domains from one registrar to another. Without this code, no transfer can be initiated, ensuring controlled ownership changes.

3. EPP Standard Protocol

  • The authorization code adheres to the Extensible Provisioning Protocol (EPP), a standard used across most domain registrars worldwide. This consistency makes the transfer process reliable and universally accepted.

4. Time-Sensitive

  • The code is typically time-sensitive, meaning it may expire after a certain period if not used. This ensures that transfer requests are current and deliberate.

5. Issued Upon Request

  • The domain authorization code isn’t automatically provided. Domain owners must manually request it through their current registrar’s platform, such as Squarespace or Google Domains.

6. Encrypted and Private

  • The code is encrypted and not publicly visible, ensuring that only the domain owner or authorized representative can access and use it for domain transfers.

7. Domain Lock Protection

  • Before obtaining the code, the domain must be unlocked from its current registrar. This adds an additional layer of protection, ensuring that domains cannot be transferred while locked.

8. Works Across Multiple Registrars

  • The Google Domain Authorization Code can be used to transfer a domain to and from multiple registrars, making it highly flexible for users managing domain portfolios.
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