How to Earn Money on LinkedIn Through Guest Posting: A Step-by-Step Guide
How to Earn Money on LinkedIn Through Guest Posting: A Step-by-Step Guide
LinkedIn is a professional platform with lots of jobs and business opportunities. As far as guest posting is concerned than LinkedIn has become a wide platform for marketing, personal branding, content sharing and ultimately making money. In modern time many SEO professionals are using LinkedIn for selling and purchasing guest posts. In this article we will learn a step-by-step guide which can help us to earn money through guest posting from LinkedIn.

Create and optimize your LinkedIn Profile

For Earning Money through guest posting the first and most important step is to create your professional account. Make sure that your account is looking professional for guest posting and is well established. For well optimized LinkedIn profile make sure

Headline and Bio: Headlines and Bio of the account for guest posting must contain those keywords that reflects your expertise. Your Bio should tell precise 

and impactful data about you.

Share your Experience: Mention your past experience and collaborations if any. This will grab more clients to you.

Continues Engagement: Another important step in Optimizing you LinkedIn profile is through continues engagement. Remain in touch with clients which are relevant to your work which is guest posting.

Build a Target Audience

If you want to make in guest posting from LinkedIn, then you have to identify your target audience. Then reach only those audience who needs your guest posting services. For building target audience for guest post you have to 

Build a Strong Network: Build a strong network with clients and professionals. These professionals are representatives of SEO agencies that purchase guest posts in Bulk.

Join Guest Posting Groups

This is the must follow step for earning mony in guest posting from LinkedIn. There are hundreds of guest posting groups available on LinkedIn which are potential points for this practice. You have to introduce yourself with these groups admins and then share your purpose and thoughts for joining that group. After the approval from admin you will be a member of these groups. But keep in mind that if you are new on LinkedIn then do not join more than 3-5 groups a day. If you will send too much joining request at the very start of your LinkedIn profile then there are chances that your account will be suspended.

Set a Professional Draft for guest Posting Request

To make sure that clients do read your content and give you orders, it is necessary to write professional drafts for guest posting request. This will increase your acceptance and reputation in the market. Clients only respond to those guest post request whose draft, English and approach is highly professional and up to the mark. The draft quality should be same for reaching blog owners through LinkedIn.

Find Guest Posting Jobs

LinkedIn is a platform which is also good for finding jobs. You can find job ads for almost every kind of profession. For this search, guest post related jobs on LinkedIn. These jobs are offered by SEO agencies who regularly hire outreaching professionals and guest post providers who can spread their content and can generate better backlink profile for their brands.

Mention Your Employer Name and Experience Certificate

Many people complain that clients do not respond to their profile and messages. This phenomenon happens when client have trust issues on you. To overcome this issue, you have to mention your employer’s name if any. This is very helpful for generating trust of the clients towards your services. Also mention and paste your experience letter and recommendation from those who has collaborated with you in guest posting. These are the parameters which are noticed by clients and are helpful in earning money in guest posting from LinkedIn.

Get Recommendations and Positive Reviews

For making money through guest posting from LinkedIn, get positive reviews and recommendation from clients. These reviews and recommendation will help you to monetize your profile. So then you can leverage LinkedIn network to monetize your efforts.

Follow Guest Posting Events

For gaining new colleague and guest post clients, follow guest post events. Guest post events are those events which are organized by SEO professionals and organization. In these events these SEO agencies do share their achievements and future plans. These events are golden chance for gaining new clients and colleagues for guest posting. These online events will help you to stay updated with latest information and developments in guest posting field.

Keep legal Record of Payments

If you want to grow your career in guest posting on LinkedIn then make sure your payment methods are legal and accurate. Clients do not work with those people whose payment methods are not clear and legal.

Do not practice Unethical Guest Posting

For gaining good repute and rank in guest posting on LinkedIn, avoid selling guest posts on Casino, gambling and adult. Always choose a decent ethical niche for selling guest post. This will keep your accounts save legal penalties and you can maximum money through guest posting.


LinkedIn is an ideal platform for professional interactions. Guest posting is spreading very fast on LinkedIn. There are hundreds of groups and accounts on LinkedIn with which you can collaborate to exchange guest posts. For making maximum money from guest posting on LinkedIn you have to make sure that your profile is properly created and optimized for guest posting. Make your connection with SEO professional and agencies. Choose one specific niche and then try to find maximum clients in that particular niche. For earning maximum money from guest posting on LinkedIn it is recommended to keep your payments record clear and ethical, do not work a gambling, casino and adult because LinkedIn is a professional platform and professionals only buy and sell decent ethical guest posts.

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