How to Get Started with Guest Posting for Money
How to Get Started with Guest Posting for Money
Guest Posting is very beneficial for making money online. Guest posting has many benefits both for guest publisher and host blogger as well. Host bloggers can charge certain amount of money from guest post while on the other hand guest post publishers gains multiple benefits of SEO metrics. Guest Posting increases the traffic number, backlinks and overall authority of website. Make sure that you are doing guest posting in right niche. For making money through guest posting increase the content quality of your website. Guest Posting is the practice of publishing a guest blogger article on a host website. The host website owner charges a certain amount of money for publishing this guest article on his website. On the other hand, guest publisher has the benefit of gaining a backlink, traffic and marketing opportunities through this post. This is how guest posting is a mutual benefitting practice in which the guest and host blogger gain some benefits from each other. For Earing Money through Guest posting, it is necessary to understand the basics of guest posting. But before this lets find out why we should do guest posting.

Why to do Guest Posting?

Building Relationships: Guest posting is a direct and easy source of building Relationships in online market. Since finding the relative and best suitable website is not very easy it requires too much practice and outreaching efforts at the same time to find suitable sites to publish a guest post. But this overall practice creates so much opportunities for building relations. Exposure to New Content: Guest Posting is a direct source to exposure to new content. For this outreaches have to spend hours and hours in finding new and latest content. During this practice the exploration of new content happens which is very helpful for gaining experience. Improvement in SEO Metrics: Guest posting has direct benefit of improving SEO metrics of a website. Because through this process the number of organic clicks to website increases and also the number of backlinks increases rapidly. Establishing Domain Authority:  Guest posting Opportunities with high quality website increase domain authority of website. We can say domain authority of website is directly proportional to the quality and number of guest posts. Because you share the quality content with new audience and also get quality backlinks which increase over all authority of website. For Starting Guest posting for Money, you have to Follow certain steps which are as under.

Identify Your Niche for Guest Posting for Money

If You want to earn money through guest posting then choosing the right niche for your working is very important. For choosing right niche you have to consider following steps
  • Relevant Audience
If You want to make money from guest posting then you have to make sure that the audience reading your post in genuinely interested in your content and its topic. Writing in the right niche is a certificate that you are addressing a right group of readers who can give your more orders related to guest posting to your site.
  • Improvement in SEO Metrics
Guest Posting in useful niche results in the improvement of SEO Metrics. Practice guest posting in a well-defined niche which will benefit in building backlinks in that specific niche. This results in significantly boost your search engine rankings. If You will remain consistent in one specific niche then chances of getting more traffic increases very rapidly. Moreover, one niche also benefits in increasing expertise and website authority in google metrics. For Choosing Right Niche Keep Following objectives in Mind.
  • What is Your Objective to choose the niche? 
Choose the niche according to your objective. Either it is related to brand awareness, general blogging website, Want to run business, explore technology.
  • Identify Niche according to your expertise
Always choose that niche in which your are very expert. Identify your core expertise. The topics in which you can provide best information, you can provide answers to questions. The tip in choosing right niche is that you should choose the niche in which you work in daily real life.
  • Monitor the Competition and Trends
Choosing the right niche for making money in Guest Posting becomes beneficial if you choose the niche by monitoring the competition and market trends. If you want to grab maximum audience and guest post opportunities then go in that niche which has low competition and it is trending in google researches as well.
  1. Find Blogs that Accept Guest Posts 
For Making money through guest posting find those blogs that accepts guest posts. For finding such blogs you have to put some useful keywords queries within google search engine to find the relative and most suitable sites that accept guest posts. You can use following inputs : “write for us” ”guest post guidelines” “submit a guest post”  and “ Guest author”. Furthermore, you can specify the niche of the blogs accepting guest posts. For this use niche keyword like tech, business, health, home, and lifestyle before the search queries.

Guest Posting platforms and Job forums

Visit guest posting platforms and job forums, here you can find multiple sites who accepts guest posts. These platforms have millions of sites lists in each category with complete details of their features like traffic, domain authority number and niche. You can easily reach the guest posting accepting sites by contacting them through their emails. Competitor Backlinks Another useful method for finding the sites that accepts guest posts is checking the competitors backlinks. This is very easy and fast method of finding these sites. You can check the backlinks details of your competitor by using tools SEMrush, MOZ, and Ahrefs.
  • Create High-Quality Content
Content Quality is the bread and butter of guest posting for a website. The more the content will be informational the more chances of guest posting will increase. As high-quality content increases the overall performance and authority of website in the same way low quality content can damage overall performance and authority. Good quality content increases the reputation of the blog among audience as well.
  • Pitch Your Ideas to Blog Owners
For successful guest posting for making money it is necessary to pitch your ideas to blog owners. Pitching the ideas helps in stronger communications and results in long term professional relations with bloggers. This idea pitching comes from previous experiences like you can give reference of the previous collaborations and ideas. These past contributions are very helpful in creating professional collaborations in guest posting. Furthermore, You have to introduce yourself to client in detail. Give proper details of your work, company name, services and terms and conditions with payment methods along with your ideas.  

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